2023 Word of the Year: KNOW

How Knowing God Changes Us
From prison, Paul sent greetings and prayers to the church of Colossae, a church he’d never met in person. His friend Epaphras, who started the church, shared the church’s joys and struggles. Paul’s letter, beginning in Colossians 1, included prayers of thanksgiving and intercession to stand firm in Christ.
His prayer? (v 9)
For them to “be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”
The application of that prayer? (v 10)
To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord
Pleasing to God
Bearing fruit in every good work
Increasing their knowledge of God
The results of the prayer and application? (v 11)
Strength from God’s power and glorious might
This isn’t a formula for the “good life" - but knowing God and His will is the source of a fruitful, faithful life.
Obedience to His will produces lasting fruit - both in our good works and in our ability to persevere with patience until our promised joyful end.
Spiritual disciplines aren’t about earning brownie points with our Savior, but they help sanctify us, strengthen us, and invite others to witness God's glory through us.
KNOW is my word of the year for 2023.
As my knowledge of God increases, walking in His wisdom produces a life that’s pleasing to Him with lasting fruit (John 15:16).
The more we understand our suffering Savior, we can suffer with patience.
The more we know our servant-hearted Master, we can serve with joy.
The more we study our holy, loving God, we obey because we trust His wisdom and His ways.
In Colossians 1:27, Paul reminds them (and us) that we can rest assured because:
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Praying for you today, friends, that your endurance and strength come from knowing God. Read Colossians 1 and be encouraged.